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Latest Workforce News

Understanding the Six Core Programs Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

June 26, 2024

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), enacted in 2014, represents a comprehensive overhaul of the nation’s workforce development system. It was designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global […]

Addressing the Skills Gap: Innovative Training Programs and Approaches

June 26, 2024

The skills gap, defined as the discrepancy between the skills employers need and the skills job seekers possess, remains a significant challenge in today’s labor market. This gap can result in unfilled jobs and hindered economic growth while leaving many workers underemployed or unemployed. To bridge this divide, innovative training programs and approaches have been […]

From Public Employment Offices to Global Workforce Development: The Enduring Legacy of IAWP

June 25, 2024

The International Association of Workforce Professionals (IAWP) stands as a beacon of dedication and innovation in the field of workforce development, tracing its illustrious history back to the early 20th century. Founded in 1913, the association was born from a visionary mission to enhance the effectiveness of public employment offices and support professionals dedicated to […]

Workers Recalibrate Expectations Amid the Great Transition: Insights from “People at Work 2024”

June 5, 2024

The ADP Research Institute’s “People at Work 2024: A Global Workforce View” sheds light on evolving worker expectations as the world navigates a post-pandemic landscape. Based on survey responses from nearly 35,000 workers in 18 countries, this fourth annual report reveals critical insights into how technological advancements, economic shifts, and demographic changes are reshaping the […]

Unlocking Opportunities: A Comprehensive Guide to Vocational Rehabilitation under WIOA

June 5, 2024

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) represents a pivotal shift in how the United States approaches workforce development, placing a strong emphasis on inclusivity and support for individuals with disabilities. Among its many provisions, the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program stands out as a beacon of hope, offering tailored services to help individuals with disabilities […]

The Aging U.S. Workforce: A Closer Look

June 5, 2024

As the U.S. population ages, so does its workforce. A recent report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) reveals a significant shift: in 2023, 29.5% of the workforce was aged 65 or older, up from 23% in 2000. This trend aligns with increased labor force participation among Americans aged 55 to 64, surpassing pre-pandemic […]

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: Past, Present, and Future

June 5, 2024

History of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law by President Barack Obama on July 22, 2014, and took effect on July 1, 2015. It replaced the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, which aimed to address the needs of the American workforce and economy […]

The Purpose-Driven Workforce: Why Employees Want More Than Just a Paycheck

May 13, 2024

The traditional model of the satisfied employee – one motivated solely by a paycheck and benefits – is fading fast. Today’s workforce, particularly younger generations, craves more meaning and fulfillment from their work. They are the purpose-driven workforce, seeking jobs that align with their values and contribute to something larger than themselves. This shift presents […]

Bridging the Digital Divide: Why the Digital Skills for Today’s Workforce Act Matters

May 13, 2024

The digital revolution has fundamentally transformed the job market. In today’s economy, nearly every occupation demands some level of digital literacy, ranging from basic computer skills to advanced data analysis. Despite this widespread need, a significant digital skills gap persists, leaving many American workers struggling to remain competitive. The Urgency of Digital Skills Training Recent […]

The Impact of AI on Workforce Development Professionals

May 13, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is profoundly transforming the field of workforce development, significantly affecting the roles and responsibilities of workforce development professionals. These changes present both opportunities and challenges, requiring a shift in skills and approaches to effectively harness AI’s potential. Here’s how AI is influencing the profession: Skill Redefinition and Job Evolution: AI-driven automation is […]

Don't Just Work. Excel.

Don't Just Work. Excel.

As a world-wide organization, IAWP helps more workforce development professionals…

    • Develop new skills
    • Build lasting relationships
    • Take the next step in their career

"IAWP has been crucial to being able to establish key connections in my field and stay current in workforce development. I wouldn't be where I am today professionally and personally without IAWP. And no matter how much I think I already know, I have 'aha' moments at every conference I attend. I believe all members can have these moments either during workshops, conference sessions, talking with fellow members about what they do, in addition to sharing information and best practices. There is nowhere else I know of where we can connect to others who are in the 'trenches' doing the same work we do with individuals on the front line every day."

Kathy Gundlach - Manager, Colorado Office of Compliance
IAWP Member Since 2009

"IAWP has afforded me the opportunity to meet Workforce Development professionals from around the globe. I have utilized some of their best practices in my own day to day tasks, improving my service skills to the citizens of Ohio.

Being able to network and connect with individuals has proven to be an invaluable resource."

BJ Knutson

"IAWP feeds my soul both professionally and personally. The training I receive through IAWP gives me the skills I need to do my job, develops me as a person and connects me with workforce professionals from around the world."

Donna Glacken ,
Washington Employment Security Department

"If you are seeking to step up your professional and personal game, and excel in delivering exceptional service to your customers, then IAWP is a must!!"

Walton Roper III
-New York State Department of Labor

IAWP Helps Workforce Development Professionals Take the Next Step in Their Careers