Linda DeMore

Hi, I’m Linda DeMore.
Who am I?
Why do I want to lead the International Association of Workforce Professionals?
What do I hope to bring to this endeavor?
WHO – I retired after 35-years employed with the Illinois Department of Employment Security. I began my career as a tax revenue trainee in 1983 immediately after graduation from Western Illinois University with an Accounting degree.
I spent 35 years working at IDES in various roles including UI Tax, agency accounting manager, information services business architect and for the last 6 years as Chief Financial Officer. I am married to a fellow long time IAWP retiree, Frank DeMore and we have one married daughter and a grandson.
I am an active IAWP member for over 26 years, holding Illinois statewide offices of Treasurer, President (twice), Education chair and Board Member at Large, International District 4 Director, International Awards Coordnator, Vice President and President Elect.
WHAT – I hope to bring creative thinking and fiscal responsibility to the International organization. My theme for IAWP is “Learn, Network, Dance”. Throughout my career IAWP has provided me with many learning opportunities. I am a WPDP master and maintain my CWS credentials. I have attended 11 International conferences and my best estimate of 50 statewide conferences. I consider continued Learning to be key to IAWP success and I want to build on that tradition with increased learning opportunities for our members.
I met my husband through IAWP – we were at an afterhours IAWP event and well the rest is history. I met and learned the details of UI benefits from people I met through IAWP. I have many close friends, whom I met through this great organization. Networking is important as we each travel through our careers. IAWP provides many opportunities to Network with people who share your work and know the issues and acronyms. I want to provide more and varied networking opportunities for our members to keep these connections strong and to assist members in their careers.
I love to Dance and IAWP is a place where each year at the International conference we can let go and have fun dancing with our friends. IAWP provides both business and social opportunities. It has balance and we all need balance in our lives.
WHY – I love this organization. I am privileged to have been a part of this organization for so many years. I want to see it grow and help those who are currently pursuing a career in workforce systems. I think my financial background and knowledge can assist the organization in addressing its financial challenges. I see great hope in all the states that currently do not have any members, but who could benefit from the networking and educational services of IAWP. I serve on the NASWA Administrative and Finance committee and have friends in many states. I will continue to promote IAWP and try to grow our membership one person, one state at a time.