certified workforce professional

Frequently asked questions

IAWP Certified Workforce Professional

1. Do all items have to be sent with the application?
Yes. Applications including a complete list of courses and payment must be submitted for processing. 

2. Can I request the return of my application materials?
No, all application materials become the property of IAWP.

3. Are application fees refundable?
No. Please be sure to submit all required information.

4. How long does it take to process the certification application?
Applications are reviewed within two months of receipt and applicants are notified of the decision within two weeks of the end of the review.

5. Who reviews the applications?
Members of the IAWP Professional Development Committee.

6. How long is the certification valid?
Two (2) years.

7.  What kinds of education credits are accepted?
Completing the Workforce Professional Development Program counts toward 50 hours of educational credit toward the CWP.  Workforce education obtained through IAWP or an affiliated chapter generally applies.  Other educational credits may be accepted with the understanding that the training/education must directly relate to the workforce system.  One full hour of education/training equates to one hour of educational credit.

8. Will you review educational programs in advance and let me know if educational credits are acceptable?
No, we cannot review programs in advance to let you know if the educational content is acceptable.

9. What do I need to do to recertify?
You may recertify after two years with verification that you still work in the workforce development field, have accumulated 50 hours of continuing education or training in the workforce field, and pay the recertification fee of $45 for members and $75 for non-members.