Washington State Offers Free Virtual Conference on Shared Work

The WIN with SharedWork Virtual Conference is a free, two-day, virtual conference to learn about programs and recent legislative changes that can fuel your post-pandemic recovery strategy. Bring insight and resilience from our conference presenters back to your business, employees, families and community.

LinkedIn event link Easily invite your connections on LinkedIN and read about our featured speakers.

SharedWork Conference 2021 Promotional Playbook (Google Document with event information)

Event: WIN with SharedWork virtual conference  esd.wa.gov/2021-swconference

Date: June 8 & 9

Accessibility: Virtual attendees can watch at their own pace. Spanish sessions available. All sessions recorded and closed captions will be added shortly after the conference.

THIS EVENT IS FOR:   Washington state business owners, human resource leaders, community/economic development partners, general public and out-of-state government employees

GOAL: SharedWork is a program within the Employment Security Department that helps businesses retain and rebuild their workforce during times of economic uncertainty. Our goal is to inspire and educate Washington business and community leaders to enroll in the SharedWork program as part of their post-pandemic period recovery strategy.