IAWP’s Washington chapter does a great job of helping members connect. Here’s an example of a recent, Proud Professional Profile.
Greetings IAWP members!
Here is our 14th monthly International Association of Workforce Professional (IAWP) Proud Professional Profile.
We contacted our active member Michele Smith, who currently works for the South Central Workforce Council.
Tell me how you first got involved in with IAWP?
I joined IAWP two months after I started with the State. I watched a recap of the Winter Institute presented by Clint Hede and Carol Cauthron and my mother had been a member of IAPES (IAWP was previously called IAPES).
What was your first impression of IAWP?
I was sad to see how few people in my office were members. It seems like the ideal combination of educational and networking opportunities.
What do you think will change with IAWP in the next five years?
I think IAWP will become more integrated with state agencies since it is already such a critical part of ESD’s training plan. Likewise I think a recession is looming and we will be growing staffing levels to cover new needs and replacement of those retiring. There’s never been a better time to join.
When you last volunteered, made a donation, etc., how did that make you feel?
I have been laying out the newsletter for our State Chapter and helping our local Chapter with membership events. This is a lot of work but very rewarding. I know that if a newsletter is visually appealing it will get read.
What do you wish other people knew about IAWP?
IAWP is not just for ESD and State employees. It is for anyone in workforce development.
Tell me about some of the people you’ve met while working on IAWP?
The most friendly colleagues from state and non-state agencies all willing to further the cause of helping people find the right job!
Tell me about someone who has influenced your decision to work with IAWP?
George Mante at ESD made a tremendous impression on me. He has a long history in service from teaching to working at ESD. I want to give back like George has.
Thank you Michele, and all you do to help to make the IAWP a better association. You are an asset to our organization and we appreciate all of our great members and volunteers.
Thank you,
Kolleen Anderson, Asset Management
Employment Security Department
IAWP Washington State Secretary
360-902-9593, Cell 360-584-7819