The nominations committee consisting of Mary Rogers, Kentucky, Alan Crawley, Maryland, Steve Corwin, Oregon, Freddy Jacobs, Arkansas and Mary Kosinski, Illinois have certified the following members as candidates for the 2021-2022 election ballot:
- President Elect – Nancy Fink, Maryland
- Vice President – Wally Roper, New York
- Director At Large (2 positions) – Talia Jaide Ní Dufaigh, Washington and Ryan Chegwin, Minnesota
All IAWP members may vote here and election results will be announced at the annual business meeting on July 12, 2021 at:
• 10:00 AM Pacific
• 11:00 AM Mountain
• 12:00 PM Central
• 1:00 PM Eastern
Please click here to register to attend annual business meeting.
Serving in a leadership role with IAWP is a truly special experience that provides a unique opportunity to develop new skills in leadership.
Thank you nominations committee and candidates for your support and service to IAWP.