The Millennial Majority is Transforming Your Workplace Culture

Many millennials are redefining the way we think about getting work done by prioritizing purpose-driven work. To blend work with purpose, they are seeking technology that enables innovation, collaboration, and flexibility. Some of our key findings include:

  • Purpose: While millennials believe the pursuit of profit is important, less than half say it should be the most important achievement of a business.
  • Technology: 80 percent of millennials agree that as technology develops further, work will become more fulfilling.
  • Skills alignment: Millennials are less likely than other generations to say they “have the opportunity to do what they do best” at work. Only 28 percent of millennials feel their organizations are making full use of their skills.
  • Innovation: Millennials indicate that they value learning innovative strategies and incorporating them into their work. However, 25 percent of millennials say the main barrier to innovation is the attitude of senior management.
  • Well-being: Millennials identified “flexible working conditions and work/life integration” as the No. 1 way organizations would have to change if they wish to improve retention.

Click here to download report from Deloitte University, The Leadership Center for Inclusion