Steve Corwin

Steve Corwin bio

Steve Corwin is a workforce professional from the Oregon Coast. Steve has been involved in workforce since 1985, providing direct services to businesses and job seeker customers. Steve has also managed an American Job Center in Newport, Oregon and works now as an Operations and Policy Analyst (since 2005) for the Oregon Employment Department and WorkSource Oregon.

Steve enjoys creating and presenting workforce training to new staff from a multitude of workforce partner agencies. He provides policy and systems assistance to executive staff, AJC managers, businesses, and front line workforce service providers.

Steve and his family have lived in Waldport Oregon since 1984. His wife Bobbi is also an IAWP member as a private business owner. Together they have raised four children and have six grandchildren. They have attended many Workforce Development Conferences together where they have networked with other professionals from across the United States and around the world. “We’ve gone home with information we can put to use in our work immediately, and have made new friends in the workforce professionals community at each event,” Steve and Bobbi have said.”