Members Invited to Submit Nominations for International Office

Nomination Chair, Terri Pasternik would like to remind members, the deadline to submit nominations for IAWP officers is quickly approaching.

The qualifications for International President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer are:

  1. To have continuous IAWP membership for the last five years;
  2. To have attended and participated actively in at least one recent Workforce Development Conference;
  3. For President, President-Elect and Vice President – to have served as one of the following: chapter president, international officer, international district director, international committee chair, coordinator or liaison;
  4. To hold a position that will allow freedom to travel to board of director’s meetings, some chapter conferences, and the 2018 Workforce Development Conference. (If employed, a letter from the appropriate supervisor indicating the nominee will be allowed the required time off will be required. If leave is not allowed, but use of vacation leave is approved, the nominee(s) should include with the nomination a statement they will use such leave to attend meetings.);
  5. To have financial means to attend board meetings, some chapter conventions, and the Workforce Development Conference; and
  6. To have ability to plan, organize, and delegate authority for the satisfactory accomplishment of IAWP activities demonstrated by the nominee’s employment position or accomplishments in IAWP.

Please email all letters of nomination to Terri Pasternik by February 15, 2018.