Labor Market Information 101!

Join Troy McMillan, a Labor Market & Career Resources Specialist, for an enlightening talk about labor market information (LMI) and its role in the work we do in the workforce development system. We’ll learn what it is and why we should incorporate it into all aspects of the work we do.

Labor market, workforce, and career resource information are essential elements that help shape and strengthen our  nation’s economy. These necessary components help us answer questions that are tied to a robust workforce system. The goal of LMI is to help customers make informed plans, choices, and decisions for a variety of purposes including:

  • Workforce and economic trends,
  • Business investment – needs and expectations,
  • Career planning and preparation,
  • Training and education offerings, and
  • Job search opportunities

It is a fact that to sustain a vibrant, thriving, and growing economy, workforce decisions rely on labor market information for the development of sound public policy decisions.

Our presenter, Troy McMillan is a Labor Market & Career Resource Specialist with the Economic Information & Analysis Division at the Illinois Department of Employment Security. She helps customers understand the relationship between career exploration, projected job growth and the labor market economy by using local and national career resource, workforce, and labor market data. Troy travels the state visiting educational institutions, community and social service agencies, employers, and provides training and technical assistance in the use and application of this vital information that is essential to economic growth for any economy. She has a BA with concentrations in Economics and Behavioral Social Sciences, advanced degree credentials in her field, and has worked for IDES for 20 years.

Please Click Here to register. The webinar is free to IAWP members.