Board Votes to Postpone 2021 Dues Increase

Greetings from your IAWP Board of Directors.  During the last board meeting on October 30th the board made an important decision that impacts all members.  Several years ago, the board voted to schedule dues increases in advance so members would be aware of any changes. Accordingly, dues were set to increase in 2021.  However, the board decided to postpone the 2021 dues increase until 2022 because of the COVID – 19 pandemic and the increased workload that many workforce professionals have faced.  The board also wanted to demonstrate its appreciation for all members have done to help others during the pandemic.

Postponing the increase will have an adverse impact on our finances but we hope this can be overcome by increasing memberships in 2021. To support membership initiatives, a membership recruiting contest was established. Every member who recruits a new member by December 31, 2020 is entered into a drawing for one of three $50 Amazon gift cards. Winners will be announced in early 2021.

Finally, IAWP chapters are also entered into another contest that will allow one member to attend the 2021 annual workforce development conference free of charge.  Every chapter that submits dues for 2021 memberships on or before December 31, 2020 will be awarded the free conference registration. Chapters who submitted dues on a quarterly basis during 2020 are also eligible.

If you have not yet returned the member benefit survey, please do so ASAP.  This is important information to allow the Board to prioritize those aspects of your membership that are important to YOU!  If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail Steve Bent at with your questions.

Here is wishing 2021 will be a terrific year for IAWP and you!


Wally Roper
IAWP Board Member 2020