2019-2020 Nominations Position Descriptions


President-elect is the beginning of a three year board term:  President Elect (year one), President (year two), Immediate Past President (year three).

The President-Elect shall…

  • Serve as a member of the Executive Committee;
  • Work closely with the President and Executive Director on IAWP initiatives;
  • Participate in strategy and policy formation;
  • Participate in committee meetings as needed;
  • Prepare for their term as President;
  • Assist the President in fulfilling the responsibility to enforce the Bylaws;
  • The President-elect shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President and the Board of Directors; and


Vice President is a one year term.  The Vice President traditionally chooses to run the following year for President Elect.

The Vice-President shall…

  • Serve as a member of the Executive Committee;
  • Participate in strategy and policy formation;
  • Assist the President in fulfilling the responsibility to enforce the Bylaws and other manuals and handbooks;
  • Serve as a committee chair as assigned by President;
  • Participate in other committees as needed; and
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors, or as assigned by manuals and handbooks.


Directors at Large are a new position for the IAWP Board; these positions are replacing the current District Directors.  The number of Directors at Large is set based on the total number of members (1 director per 1000 members) and shall never drop below four.  They serve staggered two year terms.  As this is the first year for Directors at Large, half the positions are one year and half two year.  A Director At Large may choose to run for re-election at the end of their term.

Each Director at Large shall

  • Represent the views of the membership and act in the best interest in the association in board discussions and decisions.
  • Serve as a liaison to a segment of the membership as assigned by the President;
  • Lead a strategic initiative as assigned by the President;
  • Serve on committees as assigned;
  • Assist the President in fulfilling the responsibility to enforce the Bylaws and other manuals and handbooks; and
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors as well as assigned by IAWP manuals and handbooks.